POWER OF FREE! #9: The Currency of Attention in Intelligent Content Marketing: Creating Relationships
I kind of approach this dynamic through a different prism. After the fact I understood this 10 times content thing when it was brought to my attention about how the economics of it all work.
But really the reason that I wanted to produce content that was 10 times better than everybody else is because I had just faced bankruptcy. And I knew that the one thing that people couldn’t take away from me was what was in my head. And so I decided that I was going to document what was in my head and show everybody everything that I knew about my subject matter. And that necessarily meant that I had to think about every single detail in my complete niche, and I ended up mapping it. And at that point, I produce content that was so compelling, and so detailed, that I knew that my competition who are very well resourced, would have to do at least what I had done, and then some more in order to beat me up my game.
So the Hong Kong visa handbook was published in 2011, was it published with that sole thing in mind, because I wasn’t going to ever allow anybody to take the business away from me again, because I knew that I could own this intellectual mindspace because I have the knowhow and have the ability to publish it. And then in 2013, when we launched the Hong Kong visa Giza blog, we made a commitment to increasing quality experience for people. That is using all our available resources. We think that we can produce content that only helps people answer their immigration problems and answer the questions and help them solve their problems. But we can share with people all that we’re learning along the way, including presentations like this.
So by doing all of this, firstly, in the immigration space, and then increasingly into this sort of educational environments phase, what we’re doing is we’re commanding people’s attention. And in the process of commanding people’s attention over time, a tribe will organize themselves around you, because essentially, they’ve got very few other places to go where they can access the information that you’ve already put out onto the internet that they need in order to solve whatever reason or problem is that was taking them to your websites in the first place. And when you now take that tribe, organization concept into play, and then you factor into your situation, the this idea that you’ve understood everything that people could possibly want, and they would never need to go anywhere else in that particular environment.
Over time, all the forces are naturally aligned to create a monopoly in your space. Now, Peter Thiel, who’s just been here is a co founder of PayPal and is one of the leading venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. He gave a speech at Stanford in 2012, part of the Stanford series, x alumnus from Stanford, who all done incredibly well in the venture capital and technology space. And in that talk that I saw in about 2013, for the first time, I heard somebody articulate to me that a monopoly was not only good, but actually a natural thing that you should be aiming for. Because Peter Thiel says that competition is for losers. If you can understand a particular market opportunity in the context of the connection economy, and you establish a proposition in the way like we have done using all of these concepts that I’ve shared with you, and you get there first, you do it ethically, you can create a monopolist situation and with a monopoly situation becomes incredible value.
And we have essentially created the, the, the the foundation, I would never claim to having a monopoly. But we’ve created the foundation right now, that in time, the market forces is simply just going to carry on working in our favor and will then we will end up with a vast majority of the revenue that will accrue from being in a position to help people solve their immigration problems in this town.