POWER OF FREE! #2: Expert Niche in Intelligent Content Marketing: Turning Expertise Into Monopoly
The expertise that I really care about, of course, is my immigration expertise. So my innovation expertise led to a business model in the expert niche that I discussed last time that we talked. Where effectively we share all our expertise and know-how, away with the people who would be interested in this expert niche material for free.
We go a few steps further forward than that. We bundle up all the disparate resources that are absolutely mission-critical to any type of Hong Kong visa application. And we will deliver a specific kit for more than 10,000 resources that we have on our websites. We will deliver a specific kit to people that allow them everything that they need to navigate the process of getting a visa approved for themselves.
In Hong Kong, we have a service where people ask a question about their circumstances via the blog. Then I will receive that this fax will get slightly changed to protect anonymity. Next, I will prepare a podcast answer for that particular question. I’d give that away within 48 hours for free. Which is an act of generosity in terms that the person that’s receiving it needs that advice.
Expert niche know-how
But actually, it works fantastically well, because the phenomenon of the connection economy means that I’m able to get content out of that and make that answer and that know-how available to others without ever needing to think about that question again. So it is very fluid in a very interactive dynamic that we operate in the business model that we’ve got.
We’ve understood that there are other challenges associated with your immigration experience in Hong Kong. We develop specific free products that are tailored to answer those questions and help people solve those problems. All of this is giving us this experience that we have manifest expertise that is unavailable anywhere else. When you do find it, it’s such a remarkable experience because you’ve never encountered this before.
They immediately respect that content, and you’re ready to have a relationship with the party that’s providing it to you. So it’s all well and good having expertise. You’ve got to be able to share it freely and generously with everybody. Generosity is at the heart of this business model. So once you have got your clear manifest expertise. You then effectively are creating or putting yourself at the heart of the people who have an interest in the material that you’re able to parlay and how you’re able to help them solve their problems and help them answer their questions.
Knowledge Graph
By putting yourself at the height of this community, you develop a tribe. That tribe will then look to you for information and assistance, and help and will accord you the respect that goes with having achieved expertise in that particular niche. When you begin to do this, what you have is the essence of your expertise becoming part of the big internet machine. As you publish, this expertise begins to map itself into the Knowledge Graph.
When people are searching through the internet, through any internet property, for information on the kind of things that you do. If your content is consistent enough and consistently good enough and continues to publish that niche in time. Effectively, you end up being the only place on the internet where anybody can ever expect to find information in that. You win by default, as long as you do it in a generous and transparent way.
So this is the way that you bring the power of the connection economy, to pray within your expertise so that you can project it out. And then by the time you’ve accomplished that if you’ve done it in an ethical, honest, transparent and generous way, you’ll find that there is nobody prepared to come in after you and to try and take that niche away from you.
Your expert niche marketplace
Particularly if it is so expert that there’s no there’s only room for one expert in that marketplace, then you win by default. That’s what’s like what we that what we’re experienced in Hong Kong. I am not the only person that’s ever practised Hong Kong immigration. Some of my colleagues are frankly just as experienced as me.
Whilst I have certainly let’s say advantages because I was arguably one of the first people who professed a certain discipline to immigration and decided that we want to specialize in as a professional game whilst there was arguably the first one to do it. Some very capable people out there that are just as good as I am the truth be known, but they haven’t projected that onto the internet.
That begs the question do they have the opportunity now to come and take over the position that we’ve achieved as a result of just simply consistently publishing over time?