POWER OF FREE! #1: Intelligent Content Marketing in the Connection Economy: The Evolution
I’m going to take you back literally to the beginning of time. I learned this from Kevin Kelly. He wrote a book called What technology wants. His essential proposition was to effectively understand where humanity was going with technology before swift to the connection economy.
He came up with this proposition, which makes perfect sense to me. He says that the technology we’re working with today began with the Big Bang. But in time, after the Big Bang happened, we had gas which turned into heavenly bodies. Then heavenly bodies turned into planets and solar systems and all the rest of it, leading to the earth and the development of life on earth. Then the development of sentient life from Earth, and then really intelligent life. And then the inevitable rise of a species that would be better than everybody else because the law of evolution is all about.
Along the way, humanity began to develop technologies, such as the first important one, which is how to speak. When language evolved, finally, the human intellect was not in a silo locked. It could now interchange. With those interchange become opportunities, and from those opportunities comes development and growth.
The evolution of the Connection Economy
That continued through, you know, the realm of human evolution through to writing and then printing. Then we went from printing into some vast computers. Then to smaller computers, and then locally or in network computers. And then ultimately into the internet. As we have evolved throughout this time, we have begun to converge the biological into the digital.
The summation of all human knowledge
Now we’ve effectively arrived at the point where we can grow artificial limbs and skin grafts. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand where this will take us. As a result of this, we built this giant machine. It’s all the computers, mobiles and everything else connected as nodes in that machine. That machine is the summation of all human knowledge and endeavour. We will operate in a digital realm at some stage or another. It’s just a question of when, and the law of evolution effectively speaks to this reality.
So if we understand this, we can then orchestrate what’s about to happen and get in early. And if we will excitingly position ourselves. That’s hopefully what I’ll reveal as I go through the rest of the presentation.