Now, this isn’t our secret, this is what I’ve called our platform enabler and the extension to our platform. Because it occurred to me really all. About three years ago, when the the amount of video content there was developing and my own desire to improve things.
Peter Thiel, co founder of PayPal, one of Silicon Valley’s most successful venture capitalists have of late, wrote this book recently, zero to one. And this was based on a series of lectures, it was evening at Stanford. And it was a first time when I saw this.
These are all our constituent parts. What we have is an immigration services market that’s split into two particular types. There’s there’s individual immigration services, and there’s the corporate immigration services market.
Once we have produced a piece of content, we syndicated out to the platform. And we do this very simply by publishing in Hong Kong visa visa, copy then gets syndicated to center which is the website where we sell our stuff. And then Handbook, which is the Do It …
The front side of our platform is actually designed in the final analysis to deliver customer experience. And I understood the importance of customer experiences from this book that I read, actually about year 2000.
So now I’m going to show you how it all came about. Now, right from the very get go our intention, whatever our platform ultimately ended up looking like, was designed to get people’s attention.
Essentially what we did and what some other companies did was they essentially said, I want to be this big machine, I want to own the ability for people to, for example, access a particular song at anytime on demand for a very small sum of money.